Jaime Sabines: The Role of the Everyday and the Mortuary in Diario semanario y poemas en prosa (1961)

Mauro Marino-Jiménez*, Noraya Ccoyure-Tito, Erik Fernández-Pozo

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The poetry of Mexican author Jaime Sabines (1926–1999) is situated within a period of change in Latin America (Cuban revolution, dictatorships, and stylistic changes in literature) that linked the author to colloquialism. According to Cesare Del Mastro, this is a form marked by the use of plain and popular language rather than academicism. Using this style as a platform, two central topics presented in the collection of poems Diario Semanario y poemas en prosa (1961) are addressed in this paper: the everyday and the mortuary. Both are shown as symptomatic expressions of an affront to modernity, with signs of oppression, and the tense relationships and poetic responses are analyzed as a response to deep historical transformations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages12
JournalSymposium - Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2 Jan 2024


  • Colloquial poetry
  • Jaime Sabines
  • Mexican poetry
  • mortuary
  • the everyday


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