Aplicación del portafolio digital en una estrategia metodológica para el aprendizaje reflexivo en estudiantes de maestría

Andresa Sartor-Harada*, Oscar Ulloa-Guerra, Angel Deroncele-Acosta, María Elena Pérez-Ochoa

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There is little scientific evidence on the use of portfolio beyond the curricular limits of a certain course. We present a study conducted to evaluate a methodological strategy for globally employing a portfolio for the development of reflexive learning. We adopted an experimental design with pretest-postest with 50 masters students from various countries who study online in a Mexican university. We used the Honey-Alonso Questionnaire for styles of learning for the prestest and postest. Results show evidence of reflexive learning development when applying the designed methodological strategy, since students showed progress in the autocritical analysis of their learning. We conclude that the portfolio constitutes a driver for critical thought in e-learning environments, given that it favors meta-reflection and dialogic collaboration between the actors of the formative process. This allows greater dynamism in learning experiences for these future graduates relevant to their development as global citizens.

Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)106-121
Number of pages16
JournalPerfiles Educativos
Issue number180
StatePublished - 2023

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