A Structural Analysis of the Economic Impact of Tourism and the Perspective of Tourism Providers in Kuélap, Peru

Franklin Omar Zavaleta Chavez Arroyo, Alex Javier Sánchez Pantaleón, Carlos Enrique Aldea Roman, Rosse Marie Esparza-Huamanchumo*, José Álvarez-García*

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2 Scopus citations


Tourism boosts the regional economy and encompasses various sectors that determine its potential, promoting economic, environmental and social development by generating the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises and employment, thus improving people’s quality of life. In this context, an analysis of the structural changes in the number of visitors to the Kuélap archaeological site in the region of Amazonas, Peru was conducted. The closure of the Kuélap Monumental Archaeological Zone was selected as the object of analysis since the Kuélap archaeological site constitutes the most prominent tourist resource in the department of Amazonas and is the main attraction for tourists to visit. This study was carried out by using an analytical and descriptive approach, with a non-experimental longitudinal and cross-sectional design. Data from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR) were used, and the perspective of tourism providers by means of a survey applied to a sample of 83 entrepreneurs in Chachapoyas, Tingo and La Malca was analysed. The results show that the implementation of cable cars in Kuélap has had a positive impact of 54% on sales and employment, while the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact of 81%. On the other hand, the closure of the archaeological site has had a negative impact of 52%. Any negative impact on the Kuélap archaeological site resulted in a slowdown in the regional economy. In conclusion, from the point of view of visitor records and the perspective of tourism providers regarding structural changes, social impact is reflected in different economic sectors and, therefore, in the development of the local and regional economy. It is essential to consider these aspects when making decisions and developing strategies to promote tourism in the region in order to improve the quality of life of its residents (social, economic and cultural well-being).

Original languageEnglish
Article number120
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2024


  • Amazonas
  • Peru
  • archaeological site of Kuélap
  • economic impact
  • local development
  • perception
  • quality of life


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